Site Name: | Walker | Walker Coverage |
Latitude: | 044 03 59.8N | 44.0666111 |
Longitude: | 123 37 44.8W | -123.6291111 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 2258.0 | 688.2 |
HAAT: | 1477.3 | 450.3 |
City: | Beecher | |
County: | Lane | |
State: | Oregon |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Eugene, Santa Clara, Finn, Veneta, Elmira, Noti, Flagg, Greenleaf, Beecher, Globe, Austa, Mapleton, Rainrock, Deadwood, Reed, Alpha, Blachly, Horton, Goldson, Bear Creek, Junction City, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Cartney, Monroe, Halsey, Tulsa, Union Point, Munson, Shedd, Plainview, Oakville, Shrock, Greenberry, Corvallis, Albany, Tangent, Soadville, Lebanon, Waterloo, Bellinger Landing, Jasper, Trent, Creswell, Walker, Cottage Grove, Lathap and more …..