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Resaurant Hostess

Exceptional Service Will Set You Apart from Others

Restaurants have long been users of radios for one good reason; it solves their logistics issues by allowing personnel to find each other as people move around the property.  Most restaurants have enough places for employees to work or hide that it is imperative that there is some way to find them.  Radio is THE solution to the challenge.


Restaurant Image

Most restaurant operations are small enough properties that simplex radios work well.  MRA dba Raycom has a wide variety of radios that are inexpensive and reliable that can provide your staff with the communications options that you need to provide exceptional service to your clientele.  Typical radio for restaurant operations is an analog radio.  However, as digital has continued to come down in price, the digital radio is now an affordable option.  For larger facilities, the digital radio will typically have 20% better range, so it can solve coverage issues when dealing with the more difficult properties.

restaurant Waiter

More than ever, customers have become aware of quality service.  You need to provide that quality in order to set yourself apart from the others who do not provide that quality.  Radios are a key component in being able to provide the excellence for which the customer demands by providing the means to communicate the customer desires to the person who can take care of that desire the fastest way possible.

Restaurant staffSafety is another reason to use two-way radio.  In the days with mass shooters who show up without notice, the ability to communicate the emergency to other restaurant personnel will reduce the likelihood of a high tally of casualties.  Remember, when you can readily communicate, there are ways to coordinate the response to any situation.

Click here to view an interactive presentation on Communications Solutions for Hospitality. There are many interactive features in the presentation by clicking on the arrows.

Raycom has been helping companies communicate for over 40 years and we have more solutions to your challenges than anyone else.  Contact our office to schedule a demo of what we can do for you.

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