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What if Dr. Seuss wrote technical manuals

Cartoon walkie talie

This Nexedge two way radio’s not too hard
To operate it you just need to start
Choose a channel and press the button
And soon your friends you’ll be able to coddle

The volume knob you can twist to the right
To make the sound loud, sharp and bright
Or turn it to the left to quiet the tone
For those who don’t want to be all alone

Press the PTT to talk and be heard
The recipient your message will have received
Hear a response, your radio will beep
To converse with friends you will be in the deep

Now that you know how to use your radio
Interacting with friends won’t be so slow
For a great-time with friends, it’s just the thing
For a fun time with friends, it’s the Nexedge two way radio that you can bring!

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