Site Name: | Christmas Tree Pass | |
Latitude: | 035 15 04.3N | 35.252294 |
Longitude: | 114 44 50W | -114.7472222 |
| Feet | Meters |
Ground Elevation: | 4912 | 1497.2 |
Support Structure Height: | 55 | 16.8 |
Height With Appurtences: | 75 | 22.9 |
HAAT: | 2350.2 | 716.3 |
Antenna Height For HAAT: | 70.0 | 21.3 |
Type of Facility: | Cargo Container & Tower |
Address: | Christmas Tree Pass Road |
City: | Cal Nev Ari |
County: | Clark |
State: | Nevada |
Existing Callsign: | WQUU746 |
Backup Generator: | None |
Backup Battery: | 240Ah |
Temp Control: | Air Cond |
Cable Entry: | “Microflect 4” |
Method of Cable Attachment: | Beam Clamps & Snap-In |
Method of Antenna Mounting: | Existing Stubs |
Security: | Alarm & Cameras |
Land Owner: | BLM |
Site Coverage: This site provides excellent coverage of Laughlin, Nv, Bullhead City and the surrounding desert area.