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Airtime Services

Diga-Talk has become the leader in two-way radio in Southern California because we have coverage, more coverage and even more coverage compared to our competition that has half the tower sites and half the frequencies that we have at Diga-Talk!  We understand your needs and we provide the services to solve those needs.  No one has a better Push-To-Talk offering and no other Push-To-Talk system is as robust as our Diga-Talk system.

The uses for radio communications are vast and vary by industry.  Each industry has a different set of needs that have to be satisfied in order to operate efficiently.  It is a fact from a governmental study that 3 radio equipped vehicles can do the work of 4 non radio equipped vehicles due to the efficiencies obtained by not having to backtrack through traffic when a scheduling change is needed.

At MRA, we have the most extensive radio network which allows you to communicate efficiently with any group of people or any one person.  When comparing to cellular phones, we have the following advantages:

  • Use of our mobile radios installed in your vehicle is not subject to the hand held electronic equipment laws about hands free operation.
  • Being able to talk to all members of the talk group at one time.
  • Being able to make announcements across all talk groups at one time.
  • Being able to set up the wide area call within 1 second or less
  • No busy signals or voice mails, just communications
  • Like cellular, there is no switching of cell (tower) sites.
  • Communication over Southern California from Santa Maria to the Mexican border, from the Pacific Ocean to St George, Utah plus the Coachella Valley, Imperial Valley, Yuma, Az., eastern Sierras north to Reno, Nv.
  • We cover many rural areas that are not covered by cellular service.

Interested in trunked radio airtime service?Interested in clear & crisp expanded digital network coverage?

In addition to coverage, speed and convenience, we offer many options that make the radio tool even more useful for different industries.  Read more about the specifics of your industry.


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