Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) has always been the subject of controversy. Lately there have been many posts started hailing his accomplishments and he did influence some of the uses of electricity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His place seems to be evolving in to myth and legend far beyond his actual contributions though.
1. Tesla invented electricity – To start with, electricity was not invented, it is a natural phenomenon. Electric fish were written about in Egyptian text as far back as 2750 BC. Thales of Miletus wrote static electricity about 600 BC. Of course there is Benjamin Franklin famous experiment in 1752 demonstrating the lightning is electrical. Alessandro Volta’s early battery, or voltaic pile, was in 1800. André-Marie Ampère study electricity in 1819–1820, the measure of current is named after him. Michael Faraday invented the electric motor in 1821, Electricity and magnetism were studied by James Clerk Maxwell, in 1861 and 1862. His equations would later be used by Tesla who was only 5 years old at this time. The alternate claim that Tesla invented AC current is also not true, the first AC generator was done by Hippolyte Pixii in 1832 based on Micheal Faraday’s work.
2. The Death Ray – Tesla did make this claim in the 30s to have a weapon design that could shoot down a plane at 250 miles, and that was likely a motivation for the FBI to take all his documents when he died in 1943. However when the documents were analyzed it was determined that there was nothing that was a security risk. There are no working models, nor even a documented theory of how this might have worked. Of course there are the conspiracy theories that the plans were seized and kept secret but since far more destructive weapons have been built it is not logical that if this one existed that it would not have been built some time in the last 80 years.
3. The patent claim – This seems to be referring to the patent conflict with Marconi over radio. While there is a story that Tesla was initially alright with the use of his patents, there was later a court case filed over it which was determined in Tesla’s favor in 1943.
4. Tesla was a humanitarian – In the February 9, 1935 issue of Liberty magazine. “The year 2100 will see eugenics universally established. In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains. Then man’s new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. As a result, we continue to keep alive and to breed the unfit. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct. Several European countries and a number of states of the American Union sterilize the criminal and the insane. This is not sufficient. The trend of opinion among eugenicists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.” This would hardly seem to be the view point of a humanitarian.

5. Wireless power – This was another claim made by Tesla. The modern myth is that he intended to give free power to everyone. To start with, free was never going to happen. Even if he had pulled some mysterious source of energy out of the universe, the equipment to do so was not going to be free. Resources would be needed to build it, as well as labor to maintain and operate it. The next problem is that energy does not com from nowhere. Energy can be converted from one for to another as in the First Law of Thermodynamics but there is always a cost. There were many physics problems in this concept which were never resolved. Tesla believed that he could tap in to energy contained in the earth by finding the resonant frequency. We are vary familiar with resonance today as it is commonly used in radio. We use the principals in the construction of antennas and filters. We calculate the energy losses in the transmission of energy from one place to another. Tesla missed several problems.
First was the ground resistance. The earth does conduct, but not as well as a copper wire. Next was the dispersion of the energy. When you take a given amount of anything and spread it over an area, the density will be less. This is basic logic, you can’t disperse the energy over a wide area and expect the sum total to be more than you put in to it. At any given point you will have only a fraction of the energy that was put in to the area. This is addressed with radio transmitters on a daily basis. The next problem was that Tesla thought that the return path would be an ionized layer of the atmosphere. While there is the ionosphere, it is far higher than the 200 to 300 feet that Tesla saw building his towers at to reach the conductive layer. Ionized air, while conductive, also has a considerable resistance so more energy would have been lost in the attempt.
Tesla thought that these issues would be overcome by feeding a resonant frequency in to the earth. Energy transfer is improved by matching impedance and resonant frequencies between generator and load, but not above the total energy that was put in to the system. There is always loss and while you may get closer to 100%, you will never exceed it.
Tesla did succeed in lighting some gas discharge lamps outside the Wardenclyffe facility, which would have been impressive at the time, but this is not something mysterious to us now. It was a near field effect which we see around larger radio transmitters. There are demo videos of it on YouTube with people holding up florescent lights. It is not a practical way to transfer power for two reasons. First is that it does not work at any great distance. The other is the amount of energy lost in the transmission. It simply is not practical to transmit thousands of watts to light a light bulb a short distance away. There is a story of Tesla being able to make a distance of a few miles, but I have not found documentation of it.
6. Tesla invented the modern world – While he made contributions, he was in a very competitive time. He was a contemporary of people such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, Heinrich Hertz and Albert Einstein. While it is commonly believed that if one person in history had not done something that it would not exist. The reality is that if one person did not, it is likely that someone else would have. Many of the inventions of that time were a race to see who did it first.
7. Lost Secrets – It is a commonly held belief that Nikola Tesla knew secrets that were lost or stolen. It is often felt that because something is missing, that is proof of Tesla’s accomplishments. The statement is often made that the rich capitalists of the suppressed Tesla’s ideas for their own profit. The government seized them because they were too dangerous. If today’s technical people contradict the fantastic claims it is because they were taught what those in power want them to believe. There are logical fallacies in all of that. After his death, the FBI confiscated all of his possessions, including his notes and inventions. However, the FBI eventually returned the items to Tesla’s family, who sold them to museums and collectors around the world.
8. Tesla died poor and starving – While he may have squandered a lot of money, he was still being supported by Westinghouse who paid for his housing in an upper-class hotel and a monthly income.
9. Tesla was in love with a pigeon – Another popular myth is that Tesla was in love with a pigeon. According to this myth, Tesla had a pet pigeon that he loved so much that he fell in love with it. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Tesla was romantically involved with any animal. In fact, Tesla was known to be a very private person and had few close relationships.
10. Tesla is a Time Traveler – The belief that Tesla was a time traveler has gained popularity. Despite the complete lack of evidence, Tesla’s alleged time-traveling abilities captivate the minds of those who prefer imagination to fact. Some have claimed to have talked with Tesla, even suggesting that he is on Facebook.
11. Tesla invented WiFi – “When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.” 1926 Nikola Tesla. While the quote is accurate, it is only a dream for the future. He did not do any of the development for it past the initial radio experiments. Many people contributed to it such as Hedy Lamar who came up with the modulation system.
12. Tesla invented computers – Tesla did develop a crude AND gate using relays. This is one type of logic gate with two inputs and one output. Both inputs need to be 1 (high) in order for the output to be 1. Some people have claimed that this is the basis for modern computers. That claim is highly exaggerated. While there are AND gates in a computer, there are many other types of gates (OR, XOR, NAND, NOR) as well as flip flops, counters, shift registers, and various processing matrices. In reality, Alan Turing had far more to do with computer development than Tesla. While Tesla did patent his AND gate, the circuit is actually very simplistic. It is generally the type of thing a design engineer would draw out when needed without giving it another thought. Tesla’s relay design would be slow, generate electronic noise, and be unreliable. Over the years, alternate designs have used vacuum tubes, diodes, transistors, and other types of switching components.
13. Tesla Invented X-rays – Contrary to this notion, it was Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen who pioneered the invention of X-rays. Tesla, however, delved into X-ray experimentation after reading about it.
14. Tesla and Lasers – Despite popular belief, the Laser, invented in 1960, is founded on subatomic theories that Tesla refuted.
15. Edison stole inventions from Tesla – This is an interesting one that is passed around, yet nobody can say what invention was stolen. Tesla worked for Edison for a short time on the development of an arc lamp that Edison never used. There seems to be no basis for this myth, and strangely, the people propagating it don’t stop to validate it.
16. Tesla was murdered – Tesla died in 1943 at age 86 from heart failure. That hardly seems to be a mystery, nor would it serve anybody’s nefarious goals.
17. Tesla’s Pyramid research – There is actually no documentation that Tesla said anything about pyramids. His name is being used in an attempt to add some plausibility to the fictional physics about pyramids being an energy source.
18. 3 6 9 – “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe”. There actually seems to be no evidence he ever said this. The first references seem to be around 2020.
Science transcends mere belief. History is rife with deeply held beliefs that were eventually debunked. The notion of the earth being flat or being the epicenter of the universe serves as a case in point. Science, in contrast, demands concrete proof. A belief rooted in unseen documents does not equate to proof. It is illogical to assume that if someone had purloined Tesla’s secrets, they would not have exploited them for their personal advantage at some stage. Erecting a conspiracy theory to account for the absence of documentation or functional models does not qualify as proof either. Facts, moreover, are not individualistic perceptions. The principles of physics need to be replicable by others; any deviation lands in the territory of mere magic tricks. The internet teems with individuals attaching magnets to objects, professing a novel energy source, when in fact they stealthily power it via an induction coil concealed beneath the table. It is a fallacy to suggest that we are perplexed by Tesla’s accomplishments. The inventions that were successful are thoroughly comprehended, and I personally tinkered with them during my childhood. Transformers, high voltage coils, and radios, which were groundbreaking developments during Tesla’s era, were merely playthings for me. Tesla expanded upon the work of his predecessors, and his successors have significantly surpassed his achievements.
People often debate the validity of various claims or ideas. To skeptics who doubt these assertions, I propose a challenge: if you believe something is possible, try creating it yourself. This not only tests your belief but also provides evidence to support or refute the claim. In undertaking this task, skeptics can display their expertise and knowledge, turning their beliefs into reality. If they fail, it suggests the claim lacks substance and is flawed. This highlights the importance of practical action in assessing ideas, as speculation alone is not enough. By transforming thoughts into tangible forms, we can better evaluate their feasibility. It also encourages active skepticism, inviting doubters to participate in the quest for truth. By creating, skeptics learn about the complexities of the subject, allowing for a better evaluation of the claim. This challenge helps distinguish speculation from reality, emphasizing that actions speak louder than words. It prompts individuals to support their beliefs with action, providing a way to verify an idea or claim. So, by building and creating, skeptics can confirm their beliefs or expose the flaws in the claim, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject.