Fort Earl
Site Name: | Fort Earl | Fort Earl Coverage |
Latitude: | 033 53 40.7N | 33.8946389 |
Longitude: | 085 32 45.7W | -85.5460278 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 1362.0 | 415.1 |
HAAT: | 491.2 | 149.7 |
City: | Vigo | |
County: | Calhoun | |
State: | Alabama |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Cherokee County, potions of Chattooga & Floyd Counties, Polk County, most of Haralson County, part of Paulding County, about half of Carroll County, part of Heard, Troup & Coweta Counties. Parts of Randolph & Clay Counties, most of Calhoun & etowah Counties, small part of Saint Clair & Blount Counties, southeastern Marshall & Jackson Counties, most of De Kalb County