Site Name: | KCMN-AM | ![]() KCMN-AM Coverage |
Latitude: | 038 49 07.4N | 38.8187222 |
Longitude: | 104 46 35.0W | -104.7763889 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 5949.0 | 1813.3 |
HAAT: | -245.4 | -74.8 |
City: | Colorado Springs | |
County: | El Paso | |
State: | Colorado |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Monument, La Foret, Black Forest, Pikeview, Glen Eyie, Papeton, Knob Hill, Elesmere, Shirley, Falcon, Eastonville, Peyton, Ellicott, Yoder, Kelker, Skinners, Widefield, Fountain, Buttes, Wigwam, Henkel, Pinon, Wild Horse, Rock Creek Park, Stratmoor Hills, Manitou Springs, Colorado Springs, Knob Hill, Ivywild, Stratton Meadows, Broadmoor, MIdway