Site Name: | KOUS-TV | KOUS-TV Coverage |
Latitude: | 045 44 25.1N | 45.7403056 |
Longitude: | 108 08 20.6W | -108.1390556 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 4061.0 | 1,237.8 |
HAAT: | 605.2 | 184.5 |
City: | Billings | |
County: | Yellowstone | |
State: | Montana |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Toluca, Corinth, Kingley, Foster, Old Ford Place, Bighorn, Custer, Fee, Waco, Bull Mountain, Pompeys Pillar, Nibbe, Anita, Newton, Mann, Worden, Indian Arrow, Rowley, Hardin, Dunmore, Crow Agency, Garryowen, Benteen, Parkman, Saint Xavier, Fort Smith, Yegen, Mossmain, Laurel, Spurling, Park City, Silesia, Rockvale, Montaqua, Joliet, Boyd, Roberts, Pryor, Soda Springs, Hirsch, Cline, Huntley, Shepherd, Knox, Ballantine, Cameron Park, Rimrock, Hesper, Baseline, Milt, Acton, Comanche, Broadview, Belmont, Rothiemany, Rapelje