Site Name: | Lewistown | Lewistown Coverage |
Latitude: | 047 04 16.3N | 47.0711944 |
Longitude: | 109 24 33.9W | -109.4094167 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 3964.0 | 1,208.2 |
HAAT: | -330.7 | -100.8 |
City: | Lewistown | |
County: | Fergus | |
State: | Montana |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Brooks, New Year, Maiden, Hilger, Moulton, Lewiston Junction, Heath, Piper, Glengarry, Cottonwood, Eddies Corner, Moore, Hauck, Hobson, Moccasin, Utica, Lehigh, Scholtztown, McClave, Buffalo, Sipple, Roy-Winifred Junction, West Lewistown, Baxter, Spring Creek Junction, Ross Fork, Amherst, Ware, Danvers, Benchland, Windham, Deerfield