19KM S of Alamo
Site Name: | 19KM S of Alamo | 19KM S of Alamo Coverage |
Latitude: | 037 15 09.9N | 37.2527500 |
Longitude: | 115 00 12.8W | -115.0035556 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 5851.0 | 1783.4 |
HAAT: | 1683.0 | 513.0 |
City: | Alamo | |
County: | Lincoln | |
State: | Nevada |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of areas of Lincoln County and northern Clark county including Alamo, Ash Springs, Delamar, Abbotts Fork, US Highway 93 from the junction of Nevada 375 and Nevada 318 in the north to several miles south of the intersection with Nevada 168.