Bunker Hill
Site Name: | Bunker Hill | Bunker Hill Coverage |
Latitude: | 039 15 19.2N | 39.2553333 |
Longitude: | 117 07 29.9W | -117.1249722 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 11425.0 | 3482.3 |
HAAT: | 4387.1 | 1337.2 |
City: | Austin | |
County: | Lander | |
State: | Nevada |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Arena Rock, Austin, Yankee Blade, Amador, Bannock, Buckingham Camp, Cortez, Gold Acres, Tenabo, Goldquartz, Shannon, Eunice Place, Bellmont Mill, Shemantown, Darroughs Hot Springs, Carvers, Ione, Mount Airy, Petersons Mill, Clan Alpine, Middlegate, Frenchman