Lone Mountain
Site Name: | Lone Mountain | Lone Mountain Coverage |
Latitude: | 040 19 29.4N | 40.3248333 |
Longitude: | 118 10 18.0W | -118.1716667 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 6635.0 | 2022.3 |
HAAT: | 1322.9 | 403.2 |
City: | Rochester | |
County: | Pershing | |
State: | Nevada |
This is not an MRA Owned Site. For space rental contact the site owner.
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Site Coverage: Coverage of the central portion of Pershing County, Rochester, Lower Rochester, Unonville, Kyle Hot Springs, Woolsey, Oreans, Rye Patch, Poker Brown Crossing, Kodak, Colado, Lovelock, Perth, Granite Point, Toulon, Toy, Miriam, Ocala, Huxley, Jessup, Coppereid, South Swan Landing, Peers Landing, Narrow Landing, Parran