Site Name: | Cuba | Cuba Coverage |
Latitude: | 035 55 31.8N | 35.9255000 |
Longitude: | 107 27 55.8W | -107.4655000 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 6653.0 | 2027.8 |
HAAT: | -16.7 | -5.1 |
City: | Pueblo Pintado | |
County: | McKinley | |
State: | New Mexico |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Penistaja, San Pablo, Senorito, Deer Lake, La Jara, Upper La Jara, Regina, Monte Vista, Lindrith, Ojito, Counselor, Tinian, La Ventana, San Miguel, Whitehorse, Seven Lakes, Hospah, Voght Place, Piedra De La Aguil, Leon, El Dado, Pueblo Pintado, Kimbeto, Nageezi, Lybrook, Tsaya