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Radio Tower Site – Shaniko, Shaniko, Wasco County, Oregon


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Site Coverage:    Coverage of Cross Hollows, Shaniko, Clarno, Old Kelly Mill, Grizzly, Opal City, Opal Springs, Geneva, Culver, Metolius, Madras Sation, Paxton, Hay Creek Ranch, Jumpoff Joe, Gooseberry Mountain, Ashwood, Donnybrook, Mecca, Willowdale, South Junction, Axford, Kishwalks, Whiskey Dick, Shaniko Junction, Antelope, Clarmo, Simnasho, North Junction, Hardy, Dahl Pine, Pine Grove, Wapinitia, Mhells Crossing, Citerion, Dant, Backoven, WIlcox, Kent, Maupin, Cambrai, Oak Springs, Sherar, Tygh Valley, Wamic, Steeds Crossing, Eightmile Crossing, Friend, Kingsley, Oakbrook, Eakin, Wilcox, Kent, Bourbon, Rosebush, Rutledge, Grass Valley, Sinamox, Dike, Erskine, Harmony, Moro, De Moss Springs, Lockit, Kloan, Webfoot, Emigrant Springs, Klondike, Wasco, Thornberry, McDonald, Barnett, Olex, Clem, Speece, Gwendolen, Condon, Mayville

heat map radio coverage Shaniko



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