Site Name: | Umatilla | Umatilla Coverage |
Latitude: | 045 53 38.2N | 45.8939444 |
Longitude: | 119 20 53.0W | -119.3480556 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 619.0 | 188.7 |
HAAT: | 140.0 | 42.7 |
City: | Umatilla | |
County: | Umatilla | |
State: | Oregon |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Umatilla, Plymouoth, North McNary, Berrian, Cold Springs Jct, Charlestown, Cold Springs, Herriston, Hinkle, Stanfield, Bucks Corner, Murray, Cornell Place, Irrigon, Paterson Junction, Paterson, Messner, Whitcomb, Boardman, Clarke, Munley, Ordnance, Westland, Castle, Sixprong, McCredie, Heppner Junction, Willows, Moona, Benton City, Badgert Mountain, Badger, West Highlands, Island View, Kennewick, Pasco, Hedges, Finley, Glade, Sagemoor, Martindale, Ash, Levey, Redd, Snake River, Bubank Heights, Le Grow, Slater, Welland, Adkins, Hatch, Eureka, Babcock, Lee, Elwood, Climax, Rulo, Zangar Jct, Gardena, Touchet, Lowden, Sudbury, Walla Walla, Langdon, Mojonnier, College Place, Harbert, Ferndale, Umapine, Prunedale, Cobb, Milton-Freewater, Blue Mountain, Downing, Adams, Havana, Mission, Minthorn, Vinson