Cuesta Peak
Site Name: | Cuesta Peak | Cuesta Peak Coverage |
Latitude: | 035 21 37.2N | 35.3603333 |
Longitude: | 120 39 21.1W | -120.6558611 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 2486.9 | 758.0 |
HAAT: | 1473.6 | 449.2 |
City: | Morro Bay | |
County: | San Luis Obispo | |
State: | California |
This is not an MRA Owned Site. For space rental contact the site owner.
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Santa Maria, Barsug, Callendar, San Luis Obispo, Serrano, Santa Margarita, Cushing, Garden Farms, Tiber, Verde, Sycamore Springs, Pismo Beach