Site Name: | Rochford | ![]() Rochford Coverage |
Latitude: | 044 07 24.1N | 44.1233611 |
Longitude: | 103 42 51.1W | -103.7141944 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 5330.0 | 1624.6 |
HAAT: | -398.4 | -121.4 |
City: | Rochford | |
County: | Pennington | |
State: | South Dakota |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Merritt, Tomahawk, Greenwood, Benchmark, Robiax, Brownsville, Mystic, Canyon City, Silver City, Johnson Siding, Big Bend, Hisega, McGee, Redfern, Tigerville, Five Points, Hill City, Reno, Grapid City, Rockerville, Stratosphere Bowl, Johnson Siding, Beg Bend, Hisega, McGee, Myersville, Deerfield, Four Corners, Buckhorn, Nahant, Dumont, Hanna, Woodville, Englewood, Trojan, Terry, Horton, Savoy