Stacker Butte
Site Name: | Stacker Butte | Stacker Butte Coverage |
Latitude: | 045 42 42.8N | 45.7118889 |
Longitude: | 121 07 02.6W | -121.1173889 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 3166.0 | 965.0 |
HAAT: | 1957.0 | 596.5 |
City: | Murdock | |
County: | Klicktat | |
State: | Washington |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Petersburg, Fairbanks, Moody, Celilo Village, Thornberry, Emigrant Springs, Webfoot, Rock Creek, Barnett, Shutler, Bates, Sundale, Arlington, Olex, Mikkalo, Clem, Speece, Gwendolen, Condon, Golf, Rufus, Maryill, Wasco, Klondike, DeMoss Springs, Monkland, Harmony, Rutledge, Moro, Erskine, Grass Valley, Sakin, Rosebush, Bourbon, Kent, Wilcox, Locust Grove, Moody, Fairbanks, Kloan, Lockit, Dike, Sinamox, Oakbrook, Sherar, Emerson, Wrentham, Rice, Endersby, Dufur, Kingsley, Friend, Tygh Valley, Maupin, Cambral, Oak Springs, Tuskan, Wapinitia, Wamic, Steeds Crossing, Barlow Crossing Eightmile Crossing, Parkdale, Mount Hood, Lenz, Summit, Van Horn, Bloucher, Oak Grove, Rockford, Oak Grove, Sonny, Clifton, Hood, Hood River, Bingen, White Salmon, Straight Point, Mosier, Ortley, Rowena, Lyle, Chatfield, Laws Corner, Klickitat Heights, Husum, WIllard, Mill A, B Z Corner, Guler, Laurel, Panakanic, Glenwood, Parrott Crossing, Woodruff Mill, Wahkiacus, Blockhouse, Swale, Warwick, Gobseneck, Wishram Heights, Biggs Jct, Centerville, Cliffs, Goldendale, Pleasant Valley, Goodnoe Hills, Dot, Cleveland, Brickleton, Bluelight, Willy Dick Crossing