Bruce Hill
Site Name: | Bruce Hill | Bruce Hill Coverage |
Latitude: | 041 25 28.4N | 41.4245556 |
Longitude: | 104 07 47.8W | -104.1299444 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 5,438.0 | 1,657.5 |
HAAT: | 538.6 | 164.2 |
City: | Albin | |
County: | Laramie | |
State: | Wyoming |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of the eastern portion of Laramie County, Tremain, La Grange, Wycross, Janise, Lyman, Joyce, Henry, Roach, Morrill, Redus, Doyle, Pelton, Jane, Covert, Terrytown, Gerling, Trout, James, Carlson, Minatare, Tony, Piper, Bayard, Redington, Harrisburg, Albin, Lindbergh, Pine Bluffs, Bushnell, Oliver, Kimbell, Owasco, Dix, Jacinto, Potter, Tracy, Egbert, Burns, Carpenter, Hereford, Arcola, Hillsdale, Durham, Archer, Altvan, Orchard Valley, Cheyenne, Midway, Robinson Place, Meriden, Weaver Homestead, Mers Hill, Fonda, Goodland, Yoder, Holly, Rockeagle, Veteran, Heldt, Cottier, Lingle, Barnes, Fort Laramie, Terlona, Hawk Springs, Fonda, Goodland