Church Buttes
Site Name: | Church Buttes | ![]() Church Buttes Coverage |
Latitude: | 041 25 05.8N | 41.4182778 |
Longitude: | 110 04 47.6W | -110.0798889 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 7,028.0 | 2,142.1 |
HAAT: | 487.1 | 148.5 |
City: | Millersville | |
County: | Uinta | |
State: | Wyoming |
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Site Coverage: Coverage of Swetwater, Lincoln and Uinta Counties, Verna, Moxa, Fontenelle, Granger, Granger Junction, Westvaco, Bryan, Peru, Riovista, James Town, Green River, Kanda, Blairtown, Rock Springs, Dines, Winton, Squaw Hollow, Buckboard Crossing, McKinnon Junction, Millersville, Lyman, Mountain View, Millburne, Robertson, Fort Bridger, Carter, Elkhurst, Hampton, Church Buttes, Carter Cedars, Carter, Horseshoe Bend, Bagen, Byrnes Crossing, Bridger, Elkol, Glencoe Junction, Opal, Nutria, Rocky Crossing