Site Name: | KCWC-FM | KCWC-FM Coverage |
Latitude: | 042 34 57.7N | 42.5826944 |
Longitude: | 108 42 35.9W | -108.7099722 |
Feet | Meters | |
Ground Elevation: | 8,943.0 | 2,725.8 |
HAAT: | 1,344.9 | 409.9 |
City: | Atlantic City | |
County: | Fremont | |
State: | Wyoming |
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Site Coverage: Coverge of Burris, Crowheart, Etheta Saint Micha, Fort Washakie, Saint Stephene, Riverton, Dellelder, Noble, Midvale, Kinnear, Morton, Pavillion, Siddons, Shosheni, Collins Place, Holland Place, Mexican Place, Johnson Place, Henry Place, Lost Cabin, Gibbs Place, Madden, Monela, Osborne Place, Hiland, Arminto, Waltman, Sand Draw, Hudson, Lander, Milford, Kote Place, Sweetwater Station, Meyersville, Gilespie, South Pass City, Erramouspe Place, Miners Delight, Jeffrey City, Rocky Crossing, Farson, Eden