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Hiking Safely

Our job involves working on two-way radio systems. This often requires us to drive to various mountain peaks at the end of long and difficult dirt roads. It has also become common for us to come to the rescue of hikers who are lost, exhausted, or dehydrated. I was...
The History of JVCKenwood

The History of JVCKenwood

No other name is more synonymous with high fidelity audio electronics than Kenwood.  JVC is well known as in the video camera business and also in audio electronics.  By the merger of the two companies into JVCKenwood, they have created a powerhouse in the electronics...
Cellular Phones and Brain Tumors

Cellular Phones and Brain Tumors

The question arises about whether or not a cellular phone will causes brain tumors.  There have been many articles about the subject and there are experts on both sides of the question.  We all want to know what is real and what is not on the subject, so we will...
Cellular Phones vs. Two-Way Radio

Cellular Phones vs. Two-Way Radio

The question arises about whether to use a cellular phone or a two-way radio system.  Each type of device was designed for a very different purpose, so what is the difference between the two devices?  Why should one use a two-way radio instead of a cellular phone when...
The History of Motorola

The History of Motorola

No other company is more synonymous with two-way radio than Motorola.  When people think of radio, they think Motorola.  Whenever a movie or television show features a scene that involves police, fire, search & rescue or other first responders, it seems like a...