The radios listed on this page only work with analog conventional GMRS systems. All NEXEDGE digital, LTR, DMR, and P25 radios will work with GMRS in addition to their other modes of operation, but will cost considerably more due to their advanced features.

Kenwood mobile and portable handheld two-way (walkie talkie) radios have spent years proving themselves to be the highest quality, reliable, and cost-effective choice for radios in almost every GMRS application. These radios have a wide variety of features to meet the needs of the most discriminating analog user.
Kenwood has the solution to provide a way to accomplish the task with quality, reliability, integrity, and cost-effectiveness. Welcome to the world of Kenwood, known around the world for their innovation in audio, security, industrial, and radio communications.
Businesses that have benefited from Kenwood radios:
These radios operate on GMRS licensed frequencies and require one member of the family to obtain an FCC license for legal operation. For business use each person must get a license. Please review our section on FCC licensing. <FCC License Button>
Kenwood GMRS Conventional
Portable Walkie Talkie Radios

TK-3160 UHF Portable Radio
DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-3360
The TK-3160 conventional analog portable radio is capable of operating analog simplex or repeater as required by the GMRS rules. Its small size and light weight makes it desirable choice for many operations. The radio boasts a full set of conventional analog features including a full 4 watt output, 3 programmable side panel keys, 500mW audio power, privacy signaling with CTCSS or DCS, 2 tone encode and decode, DTMF signaling with transpond, selective calling, call alert tones, LED indicators, FleetSync for caller ID and status, renowned Kenwood audio, Bi-Pin accessory connector for speaker microphones, headsets or lapel microphone kits and many other features. Read more……..
TK-8160(H) UHF Mobile Radios

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-8360
The TK-8160(H) mobile radio is an analog conventional mobile radio. Features include 128 zones and a maximum of 128 channels per zone, 8 digit LCD backlit dot matrix display, 25 watt transmitter output for the standard model or 40 watt transmitter output for the high power model, renowned Kenwood audio, 4 watt audio output, companded audio, front panel speaker, emergency / AUX key, multicolor status LED, transmit busy, call alert, 2 tone encode & decode, special alert tone patterns, busy channel lockout, LCD function / status ICONS, privacy with QT & DQT, time out timer (TOT), operator selectable tone (OST), busy channel lockout, ignition sense, optional 12 key DTMF microphone, optional GPS, optional external speaker, PTT ID, emergency, status & messaging with FleetSync, voice inversion scrambler, optional DES & AES encryption and more. Read more……..
TK-3170 UHF Portable Radio

The TK-3170 conventional analog portable radio is capable of operating analog simplex or repeater as required by the GMRS rules. Its small size and light weight makes it desirable choice for many operations. The radio boasts a full set of conventional analog features including a full 4 watt output, 3 programmable side panel keys, 4 programmable front panel keys, orange emergency / AUX key, 500mW audio power, companded audio, VOX ready, built in inversion scrambler, emergency call features, man-down option, single tone encode, operator selectable tone, special alert tone patterns, time out timer, busy channel lockout, LCD battery status indicator, low battery alert, battery saver, 8 character alphanumeric backlit display, privacy signaling with CTCSS or DCS, 2 tone encode and decode, DTMF signaling with transpond, selective calling, call alert tones, LED indicators, FleetSync for caller ID and status, renowned Kenwood audio, Bi-Pin accessory connector for speaker microphones, headsets or lapel microphone kits and many other features. Read more……..
TK-3360 UHF Portable Radio

The TK-3360 conventional analog portable radio is capable of operating analog simplex or repeater as required by the GMRS rules. Its small size and light weight makes it desirable choice for many operations. The radio boasts a full set of conventional analog features including a full 5 watt output, 3 programmable side panel keys, orange emergency / AUX key, 500mW audio power, companded audio per channel, voice channel number announcement, VOX, voice inversion scrambler, emergency call / man down, lone worker alert, time out timer, special alert tone pattern, busy channel lockout, low battery warning, battery saver, privacy signaling with CTCSS or DCS, 2 tone encode and decode, DTMF signaling with transpond, selective calling, call alert tones, LED indicators, FleetSync for caller ID and status, renowned Kenwood audio, Bi-Pin accessory connector for speaker microphones, headsets or lapel microphone kits and many other features. Read more……..
TK-3212 UHF Portable Radios
DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-3312

The TK-3212 conventional analog portable radio is capable 128 channels / 128 zones analog simplex and analog conventional repeater operation. Its small size and light weight makes it desirable choice for many operations. The radio boasts a full set of conventional analog features including a full 4 watt output, 7 programmable front panel keys, 2 programmable side panel keys, 500mW audio power, companded audio per channel, voice channel number announcement, VOX, voice inversion scrambler, emergency call / man down, lone worker alert, time out timer, special alert tone pattern, busy channel lockout, low battery warning, battery saver, privacy signaling with CTCSS or DCS, 2 tone encode and decode, DTMF signaling with transpond, selective calling, call alert tones, LED indicators, FleetSync or MDC-1200 for caller ID and status, renowned Kenwood audio, Bi-Pin accessory connector for speaker microphones, headsets or lapel microphone kits and many other features. Read more……..
TK-3312 UHF Portable Radios

The TK-3312 conventional analog portable radio is capable 128 channels / 128 zones with analog simplex and analog conventional repeater operation. . Its small size and light weight makes it desirable choice for many operations. The radio boasts a full set of conventional analog features including a full 5 watt output, 7 programmable front panel keys, 2 programmable side panel keys, 500mW audio power, companded audio per channel, voice channel number announcement, VOX, voice inversion scrambler, emergency call / man down, lone worker alert, time out timer, special alert tone pattern, busy channel lockout, low battery warning, battery saver, privacy signaling with CTCSS or DCS, 2 tone encode and decode, DTMF signaling with transpond, selective calling, call alert tones, LED indicators, FleetSync or MDC-1200 for caller ID and status, renowned Kenwood audio, Bi-Pin accessory connector for speaker microphones, headsets or lapel microphone kits and many other features. Read more……..
TK-3200L UHF Portable Radio
DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-3300

The TK-3200L conventional analog portable radio is capable 2 channels or 15 channels with analog simplex and analog conventional repeater operation. The radio has many conventional analog features including 2 watt transmitter output, renowned Kenwood audio, 500mW audio output, companded audio, voice annunciation, 2 programmable function keys, VOX, voice inversion scrambler, 10 call alert tones, channel confirmation mode, time out timer(TOT), busy channel lockout, privacy with QT & DQT, wide band / narrow band operation, optional, battery saver, low battery warning, Bi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-3300 UHF Portable Radio

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-3400
The TK-3300 conventional analog portable radio is capable 4 channels or 16 channels with analog simplex and analog conventional repeater. The radio has many conventional analog features including 2 watt transmitter output, renowned Kenwood audio, 500mW audio output, companded audio, voice annunciation, 2 programmable function keys, super lock, VOX, voice inversion scrambler, 10 call alert tones, channel confirmation mode, time out timer (TOT), busy channel lockout, privacy with QT & DQT, DTMF encode / decode, special alert tone pattern, wide band / narrow band operation, optional, battery saver, low battery warning, single priority or normal scan, Bi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-3400 UHF Portable Radio

The TK-3400 conventional analog portable radio is capable 4 channels or 16 channels with analog simplex and analog conventional repeater operation. The radio has many conventional analog features including 2 watt transmitter output, renowned Kenwood audio, 1 watt audio output, companded audio per channel, voice annunciation, 2 programmable function keys, super lock, VOX, voice inversion scrambler, 16 scrambler codes, 10 call alert tones, channel confirmation mode, time out timer (TOT), busy channel lockout, privacy with QT & DQT, DTMF encode / decode, 2 tone encode / decode, single tone encode, special alert tone pattern, PTT ID, selective call, emergency status and messaging with FleetSync, MDC-1200 PTT ID with emergency status, radio check & radio inhibit, wide band / narrow band operation, optional, battery saver, low battery warning, single priority or normal scan, Bi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-3302U UHF Portable Radios

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-3402
The TK-3302U series portable radio is Kenwood’s low-mid tier compact analog radio which has all the most common features you need in an analog radio. This radio has a wealth of robust features including a frequency range of 136-174MHz 16 channels per radio. The radio is capable of analog simplex operation. Other features include, multicolor status LED, renowned KENWOOD audio quality, 4W VHF, 500mW speaker audio, companded audio, VOX, voice annunciation, lone worker alert, time out timer (TOT), busy channel lockout, low battery alert, battery saver, 2 programmable side keys, flash firmware upgrades, DTMF encode and decode, 12.5KHz & 25KHz channels, status messaging, FleetSync selective calling & PTT ID Digital ANI, MDC-1200 PTT ID, radio check & radio inhibit, QT, DQT, single priority scan and voice inversion scrambler. Read more……..
TK-3402 UHF Portable Radios

The TK-3402 series portable radio is Kenwood’s low-mid tier compact analog radio which has all the most common features you need in an analog radio. This radio has a wealth of robust features including full UHF bandwidth, 16 channels per radio. The radio is capable of analog simplex & analog conventional repeater operation. Other features include, multicolor status LED, renowned KENWOOD audio quality, 5W UHF, 1 watt speaker audio, companded audio per channel, VOX, voice annunciation per channel, emergency call features, lone worker, time out timer (TOT), busy channel lockout, low battery alert, battery saver, 2 programmable side keys, flash firmware upgrades, DTMF encode and decode, 12.5KHz & 25KHz channels, emergency status, status messaging, radio check, radio inhibit, FleetSync PTT ID Digital ANI, MDC-1200, privacy with QT & DQT, 2 tone decode, special alert tone pattern, single & 2 tone encode, single priority scan and voice inversion scrambler. Read more……..
TK-360G UHF Portable Radio

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-3160
The TK-360G conventional analog portable radio is capable 8 channels with analog simplex and analog conventional repeater operation. The radio has many conventional analog features including busy channel lockout, two tone encode & decode, privacy signaling with QT & DQT, wide band / narrow band operation, renowned Kenwood audio, 500mW audio output, companded audio per channel, busy channel lockout, two color status LED, time out timer (TOT), battery power save, low battery alert, busy LED control, monitor / volume set, optional DTMF encode / decode, 2 tone encode / decode, Bi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-860(H) UHF Mobile Radios

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-8160
The TK-860(H) mobile radio is an excellent choice for a compact analog conventional mobile radio. Features include 32 conventional channels, large 8 digit 7 segment backlit LCD backlit display, 25 watt transmitter power or optional 35 watt high power, function / status icons, 4 programmable function keys, inverting front panel, privacy with QT & DQT, time out timer (TOT), operator selectable tone (OST), busy channel lockout, ignition sense, optional 12 key DTMF microphone, optional voice inversion scrambler, built in 2 tone decoder, DTMR decode, public address capable with optional KAP-1 board, 12.5KHz & 25KHz bandwidth, mobile data ready, and more. Read more……..
TK-370G UHF Portable Radio

The TK-370G conventional analog portable radio is capable 8 channels with analog simplex & analog conventional repeater operation. The radio has many conventional analog features including 8 character alphanumeric 13 segment LCD display, renowned Kenwood audio, 500mW audio output, busy channel lockout, two tone encode & decode, privacy with QT & DQT, wide band / narrow band operation, optional DTMF encode / decode, PTT ID per channel, companded audio, multi-mode wide / narrow bandwidth per channel, busy channel lockout, call alert, DTMF transpond, two color status LED, 4 watt output, time out timer (TOT), ANI function, dead beat disable, battery saver, low battery warning, priority scan, Bi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-372G UHF Portable Radio

The TK-372G conventional analog portable radio is capable 32 channels with analog simplex and analog conventional repeater operation. The radio has many conventional analog features including 8 character alphanumeric 13 segment LCD display, renowned Kenwood audio, 500mW audio output, busy channel lockout, two tone encode & decode, QT, DQT, wide band / narrow band operation, optional DTMF encode / decode, PTT ID per channel, companded audio, multi-mode wide / narrow bandwidth per channel, busy channel lockout, call alert, DTMF transpond, two color status LED, 4 watt output, time out timer (TOT), ANI function, dead beat disable, battery saver, low battery warning, priority scan, Bi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-862G(H) UHF Mobile Radios

The TK-862G(H) mobile radio is an excellent choice for an analog conventional mobile radio. Features include 8 channel capacity, single digit 7 segment LCD backlit display, 6 backlit programmable function keys, inverting front panel, privacy with QT & DQT, time out timer (TOT), busy channel lockout, ignition sense, DTMF encode & decode, DTMF transpond & ANI, 2 tone encode / decode, companded audio, optional public address with KAP-1 module, dead beat disable, cloning, optional 12 key DTMF microphone, optional voice inversion scrambler, optional GPS, FleetSync and more. Read more……..
TK-390 UHF Portable Radio

The TK-390 conventional analog portable radio is capable 160 channels / 16 channel groups per radio with analog simplex & analog conventional repeater operation. The radio has many conventional analog features including 7 character 13 segment lighted LCD reversing display, 3 digit sub display, function status icons, multicolor status LED, 4 watt transmitter output, renowned Kenwood audio, companded audio, 500mW receiver audio, 2 top panel programmable function keys, 2 side panel programmable function keys, orange emergency / AUX side key, programmable function top panel 2 position key, optional DTMF keypad, emergency man down function, emergency call, optional encryption, operator selectable tone (OST), time out timer (TOT), busy channel lockout, busy channel lockout, two tone encode & decode, QT, DQT, wide band / narrow band operation, optional DTMF encode / decode, battery saver, low battery warning, PTT ID and emergency status with FleetSync, MSHA Mine Safety rated, weather sealed Multi-Pin accessory connector. Read more……..
TK-890(H) UHF Mobile Radios

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by NX-5000 Series
The TK-890(H) mobile radio is a basic conventional public safety grade mobile radio. Features include 160 channels with dynamic channel grouping where you can have 1 to 160 channels in a group, 14 digit 13 segment backlit LCD display or optional dot matrix display, 40 watt transmitter power or optional 100 watt transmitter power, 12 watt receiver audio with less than 3% distortion, renowned Kenwood audio, multicolor status LED, privacy with QT & DQT, time out timer (TOT), operator selectable tone (OST), 5 programmable keys with the basic control head, 9 programmable keys with the full featured control head, built in DTMF and 2 tone selective calling, emergency call key, flash memory, optional 12 key DTMF microphone, voice inversion scrambler, DES encryption, AES encryption and more. Read more……..
TK-8102H UHF Mobile Radios

DISCONTINUED – Replaced by TK-8302HU
The TK-8102H mobile radio is a basic conventional mobile radio. Features include 2 groups and 4 channels per group, 8 channels, 45 watt transmitter power, renowned Kenwood audio, 4 watts receiver audio, 4 channel select keys, 2 function keys, front panel speaker, emergency call features, 2 digit LED display, privacy with QT & DQT, time out timer (TOT), DTMR encode / decode, special alert tone patterns, busy channel lockout, ignition sense, horn alert & public address with KAP-1 option, optional 12 key DTMF microphone, 8 programmable I/O ports, PTT ID, emergency status & ANI with FleetSync and more. Read more……..
TK-8302HU UHF Mobile Radios

The TK-8302HU mobile radio is a basic conventional mobile radio. Features include 2 zones and 16 channels per zone, 2 digit LED display, 45 watt transmitter power, renowned Kenwood receiver audio, companded audio, 4 watt receiver audio, function status LED dots, transmit / busy LED, 9 programmable backlit front panel keys, emergency / AUX key, front panel speaker, voice channel announcement in 8 languages, voice inversion scrambler, 16 scrambler codes per channel, optional AES & DES encryption, emergency call, lone worker alert, privacy with QT & DQT, time out timer (TOT), operator selectable tone (OST), 2 tone decode, single and two tone encode, DTMF encode / decode, special alert tone patterns, busy channel lockout, ignition sense, cloning, public address & horn alert with optional KAP-1 board, voice channel announce, PTT ID, selective call, paging call, status message, emergency status & digital ANI with FleetSync, MDC-1200, emergency status, radio check, radio inhibit, optional 12 key DTMF microphone, optional GPS, FleetSync and more. Read more……..
TKR-850 UHF Repeater / Base Station
DISCONTINUED – Replaced by NXR-810

The TKR-850 repeater / base station radio is the Kenwood choice for performance at an affordable price. The radio is capable of the following modes of operation: analog simplex, analog conventional repeater. The repeater has many features including a frequency range of 450-480MHz, 16 channels, 40W UHF output at 50% duty cycle, 25 watt output at 100% duty cycle and adjustable down to 15 watts, simplex or full duplex, optional antenna switch, priority scan, remote control inputs, 7 segment 2 character channel & scan LED, 2 character alphanumeric channel designator, multi-LED indicators, 6 lighted programmable function keys, 4 watt receiver audio, front panel speaker, local takeover/remote programmable function keys, channel up / down keys, volume knob, courtesy tone, front panel speaker, optional voice encryption, external controller connector, auto switched battery backup input, cooling fan, DC remote channel select, external I/O ports, high stability oscillator, beep tones, squelch tail elimination. Read more……..
TKR-851 UHF Repeater / Base Station
DISCONTINUED – Replaced by NXR-810

The TKR-851 repeater / base station radio is the Kenwood choice for performance at an affordable price. The radio is capable of the following modes of operation: analog simplex, analog conventional repeater. The repeater has many features including a frequency range of 450-480MHz, 16 channels, 25W UHF output at 100% duty cycle adjustable down to 1 watt output, simplex or full duplex, optional antenna switch, priority scan, remote control inputs, 7 segment 2 character channel & scan LED, 2 character alphanumeric channel designator, multi-LED indicators, 6 lighted programmable function keys, 4 watts receiver audio, front panel speaker, local takeover/remote programmable function keys, channel up / down keys, volume knob, courtesy tone, front panel speaker, optional voice encryption, external controller connector, auto switched battery backup input, cooling fan, DC remote channel select, external I/O ports, high stability oscillator, beep tones, squelch tail elimination. Read more……..
NXR-810 UHF Repeater / Base Station

The NXR-810 repeater / base station radio is available only UHF. The radio is capable of the following modes of operation: analog simplex, analog conventional repeater, analog two frequency duplex, NXDN digital simplex, NXDN digital conventional repeater, NXDN digital two frequency duplex, IP site connect (with KTI-3 adapter). The repeater has many features including a frequency range of 450-520MHz, 30 channels, 40 watt output at 50% duty cycle or 25W output at 100% duty cycle adjustable down to 15 watts, duplex base station operation, simplex base operation, 6 lighted programmable function keys, optional antenna switch, priority scan, remote control inputs, 7 segment 2 character channel & scan LED, 2 character alphanumeric channel designator, local takeover/remote programmable function keys, channel up / down keys, volume knob, courtesy tone, front panel speaker, optional voice encryption, external controller connector, auto switched battery backup input, cooling fan, DC remote channel select, external I/O ports, high stability oscillator, beep tones, squelch tail elimination, volume control, microphone jack, . Digital conventional operation and dual mode analog / digital operation. Read more……..
Battery life With Portable Radios: | Battery Care |
How Far Will My Radio Talk? | How Far will my Radio Talk? |
Conventional Radio Systems: | Conventional Radio |
LTR Trunking: | LTR Trunking |
Kenwood Digital Radios: | Nexedge Digital Advantage |
The Diga-Talk Radio System: | Diga-Talk Network |