Mountain Top Installations – Our expertise in complete Radio Tower Site design and installation is founded upon the last four decades spent on location, testing, correcting, and enhancing the details of each and every system component we install. Our tough standards are known throughout the industry as being the finest anywhere. We are very diligent when examining every detail of the installation from the materials and components we incorporate to the techniques we use and follow. We’re committed to providing you with the most finely tuned facility possible. Our engineers give constant focus to the forefront of communications technology in order to provide you with the highest quality options for your system.

Building Installations – Configuring a communications system to operate flawlessly within a metropolitan area brings many special issues and demands precise configuration. We begin with a foundational adherence to FCC rules and city/local ordinances followed by a battery of terrain tests with the Terrain Analysis Package (TAP) – the same software used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This provides a very detailed understanding of your area’s specific geophysical structures. Our team of engineers and technicians will develop an implementation plan incorporating the highest quality components and methods to bring you the finest and most reliable communications system possible. You’ll have the coverage you require with reliable throughput.
MRA Radio Tower Site Specifications
The MRA radio tower sites listed below are sites that we own or have some arrangement where we can rent site space to other entities. Each site may have some restrictions as to what site arrangements can be made while others have no restriction. Please contact our office to get price, building & tower space availability and find out what restrictions are in effect that may impact the interest that you have in using our sites.
Click Site Name For Details
Sites With Digital or Analog Airtime Services
Bertha Peak
Black Mtn
Cajon Mountain
Castro Peak
Cerro Gordo
Christmas Tree
The other tower sites listed below are sites that we do not own or have some arrangement where we can rent site space to other entities. The information is presented for your use, but we make no guarantee of its accuracy, completeness or the ability to obtain use of the sites. At most tower sites, there are multiple towers, so the specific location that we selected may be different than the tower you intend to use. If you have a site that you would like us to add to the list, please send us the latitude, longitude, site name and your contact information in case we have questions about the request. We will find the site on Google Earth, determine a reasonable tower height and compute the site coverage, then post it on our site. This may happen quickly, or it may take months as it is being done at our expense for free. (We will not run another tower at the same site unless there is a significant distance between the existing site we have posted and the site you specify. Some tower sites have 2 or 3 different peaks which may have significantly different coverage which is a reason we would do another map at the same site.) If you have a need for the information in a specific time frame, we are willing to do the work quickly, but there will be a charge for performing the work to meet your schedule. The charge is $125 for meeting a mandated time schedule and the results will be posted on the website. The standard charge for preparing professional coverage maps is $250 per site which includes all technical data including antenna patterns (if any) for submittal to the FCC or other authority.
Southern California
Northern California
New Mexico
South Carolina